How To Know When You Have Been Unfollowed On Instagram

As one of the most popular social media networks in the world, Instagram is very well liked among us human beings. There are a lot of features we wish were added to this network, one of which is the ability to track and know who unfollowed our account.

Though the people who unfollow you are not so important, its just to know who they are, just to keep tabs on how to better your content and stop loosing followers.

There are tested apps for both Androids and iOS that work to find out who unfollowed you instead of tasking yourself with the huge work load of going through your followers one by one.

You need to note that to use third-party apps, you will be giving them access to some of your Instagram data but you need to be cautious when giving access. Keep in mind that Instagram could change its API at any time, so there is a possibility that some of these apps will probably stop working when that happens.

Reports+ seemingly turned out to be the best app among the tested apps and it can be downloaded on both Google Play store and App store on Android and iOS respectively.

Steps to know who’s unfollowed you using Reports+:

  • Once installed, open the app and sign in with your Instagram details.
  • Pull down from the top for the app to refresh and that’s about it.
  • Immediately after refreshing, you will get to know if your followers count increased from the followers gained tab, or if you lost any of your followers from the followers lost tab.
  • Additionally, you can check the Followers I Don’t Follow Back tab and the Followers Not Following Me Back tab to see if you’d like to follow or unfollow any more accounts.

Reports+ lets you manage your followers and those who unfollow you in a really efficient manner.

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