Tag: irokotv
Download Nigerian Movies From iRokoTV
If you’re a fan of Nollywood movies, you can now download Nigerian movies from iRokoTv to your smartphone and watch them offline on any movie player on your computer, smartphone or on your TV. All you need to do, is to download irokoTv android app and opt in for an iRokoTV subscription. Once you subscribe,…
Download Iroko TV App for Android From Google Play Store
Recently, IrokoTV shut down the desktop movie streaming service, now focusing on an exclusive mobile experience for its African users. So, if you live in Africa, “discovery and download” for offline viewing is the new way to experience iRokoTV movies.
Download iRokoTV Movies To PC For Offline Viewing
You can now legally download iRokoTv movies to your PC for offline viewing, thereby making it possible for you to watch your favourite Nigerian movies anywhere, anytime.