Xender Flashshare Apk File Download

If you are familiar with Cydia Flashtransfer app or the popular Tecno Flash Share app, then you will definitely understand how the Gionee Xender app works. It is simply a file transfer app which you can use to transfer apps, images, media and any file to multiple devices at a time.
I installed the Flashshare app on my Blackberry Q10 this morning and I’ve  been able to use it to transfer files from my Android phone to the Q10. With it, I’ve also been able to transfer photos, videos, music etc on my Q10 to the Android phone without using Bluetooth. The app simply makes use of WiFi, making the transfer to be very fast.

For you to use Flashshare on your Blackberry 10 phone, you will have to install the Flashshare apk file to the phone. This will work if you’ve upgraded your BB to Blackberry OS.10.2.1.


You can download Xender apk file here.

You can download Flash share apk file here.

If you can’t download Flashshare from Google Play directly, you can also try installing the apk file.

I hope this helps.

You can read how to use the Flashshare app here.

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12 responses to “Xender Flashshare Apk File Download”

  1. gifto emmanuel Avatar
    gifto emmanuel

    ilove flashshare

  2. femi Avatar

    How did u install it

  3. benard Avatar

    I cannot download it on my windows phone

    1.  Avatar

      Same here, av been trying 2 download 4 d past 2days nw

  4. Zarah Avatar

    I can’t download flashshare on my blackberry 9810

  5. Naibi Zubairu Avatar
    Naibi Zubairu

    I am not being abled to download flash share on my iPhone 4S.

  6. gift Avatar

    I can’t download Flashshare on my Z10

    1. pangwohrowlland Avatar

      I love the flash share because its facelitate traansfer

  7. victor Avatar

    hw can i download flash share on my SONY android

  8. Omachonu Jennifer Avatar
    Omachonu Jennifer

    I can’t download flash share on my Lumia 535

  9. showbouy Avatar

    I can’t download Flashshare on my Z10

  10. Reuben Avatar

    I can’t download flash shear on my infix hot note

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