The Huawei Watch GT is launching in December and will be available on Amazon and Flipkart. This new Huawei product is powered by the Kirin A1 SoC chipset. It will come in two sizes – 42mm and 46mm. The smaller version features a 1.2″ AMOLED screen of 390×390 pixel resolution, while the larger variant comes with a 1.39″ AMOLED display having a slightly higher resolution – 454×454 pixel.
The two models of the Watch GT come with 4GB of storage, but the smaller model packs 16MB RAM along with 215mAh battery while the larger one ships with 32MB RAM and a 455mAh cell.
The Watch GT 2 is water-resistant and comes equipped with GPS and Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity. It also comes with features that enable heart rate monitoring, sleep monitoring and fitness tracking. The smartwatch also has a Bluetooth calling feature which is limited to the 46mm model. The December launch will happen in India but the product should be shipping out to other countries soon.
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