Repost (also known as a retweet, reblog, or share depending on your social site of choice) on Instagram is a feature that is not yet officially available as at the time of publishing this post. Nevertheless, you can repost something someone else uploads by making use of reposting apps.
If you don’t want to use reposting apps, there is also a way out and that is what I will be sharing with you in this post. The trick simply involves capturing, cropping and reposting an image to Instagram.
Once you come across an amazing Instagram photo you would like to share with your followers, take a screenshot, crop it, and upload it to your Instagram.
On iPhones and iPads, you can take screenshots by pressing the Power button and the Home button simultaneously. On Androids, the process varies from phone to phone. So, you have to figure it out.
After taking the screenshot, open it in the photo app on your device, tap “options”, select “Crop”.
Crop the screenshot so that it looks like an actual photo instead of a screenshot of a photo. Do not crop out the username of the person who originally posted it. After cropping the image, upload it to Instagram.
You can tag the original poster of your screenshot by tapping “Tag People,” or give them a shout-out in the caption. A caption such as “Re-posted from @username” or “Thanks @username for the post!” would do. The original poster will be notified of the mention and will likely appreciate it.
Have fun!
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