What is TTY Mode on Infinix Hot 2 Android Phone?

The Infinix Hot 2 Android phone supports TTY mode. Hence, the need to explain what it means.

TTY stands for Text Telephone. It is also sometimes called a TDD, or Telecommunication Device for the Deaf. TTY is the more widely accepted term, however, as TTYs are used by many people, not just people who are deaf.

If your cell phone has TTY capabilities, it can be connected to a TTY device, and you can communicate with someone else who has a TTY device.

TTY devices are machines that are specifically designed to allow hearing and speech impaired people to communicate with one another over long distances. Because hearing- or speech-impaired people are unable to use telephones in the conventional way, the TTY machine allows them to type messages back and forth to one another instead of talking and listening. A TTY is required at both ends of the conversation in order to communicate.

One of the main functions of TTY devices is the ability to connect to TRS, or the Telecommunications Relay Service. This service translates words into text, and text into words. Essentially, this allows a non-hearing-impaired person to speak into the telephone, and hear words being spoken back. On the other end, however, is a hearing-impaired person typing words, and seeing words being typed back to him.

Unlike text messaging, TTY language and protocol is designed for instant communication. For instance, the term “GA,” short for “go ahead,” is used at the end of a sentence, signifying that it’s the other person’s turn to speak.

You can connect your mobile headset to a TTY device through the headphone jack, but you’ll first need to enable TTY in your phone’s settings. While each phone is different, you can usually find the TTY option under the “General Settings” menu.

To enable or disable TTY mode on Infinix hot 2, launch the “Phone” app. Go to “Settings” > “Calling Accounts” > TTY mode.

If you are hearing and/or speaking impaired, you should contact your local disability services office. They have professionals who can teach you how to communicate using TTY or TDD technology.

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