Download Viber 4.2 For Phones, Tablets and PC

If you are looking for an alternative to Whatsapp messenger, then you need to try Viber. The application simply allows you to call and text anyone, in any country in as much as you have internet access. Viber to viber call is free, while Viber Out service lets you call anyone that’s not using Viber for a token.

Viber uses your phone number as your “identity”. The app syncs with your mobile contact list, automatically detecting which of your contacts have Viber. If the app detects that a contact on your mobile have viber, then you will be able to call the contact for free over wifi/3G.

You can also send send photo and video messages worldwide. There are stickers and emoticons that can be used to spice up conversations.

logo of viber

The latest Viber update i.e Viber version 4.2, comes with new features. They include: 

• Block any number or contact
• Send up to 10 photos at the same time
• Customize your message and call sounds
• New media gallery (photo and video) within conversations
• Improvements and fixes

The Viber app is available for iOS (iPhone, iPad), Androids, Blackberry, Nokia phones, Windows Phones and also works on Desktop (Windows, Mac).

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