Shabik 7 : Chat and Social App for People in MENA Region


Shabik 7 is MENA’s popular mobile social app. Being a single app which serves all chat and social needs using localized content from Mozat’s rich understanding of MENA (Middle East and North AFrica), Shabik 7 has evolved to be the leading social platform in the region especially in Saudi Arabia.

Shabik 7’s core features are chat, friendship discovery and games. Users can chat, discover new friends and have fun in the Game Center. They can also send unlimited texts, photos, videos, play games and express themselves with awesome Arabic stickers and animations from the app.

Each user has a personal profile tab which they can edit and set their privacy settings, in order to control how they appear to others. Depending on these settings, users can view one another’s profiles, chat and make new friends.

The app has a brilliant, sleek and simple chat interface for chatting with friends and offers a Nearby button which locates fellow Shabik users in close proximity. It also has powerful media sharing capabilities, including 10 different sets of unique stickers, Stories sharing wall, and direct YouTube video sharing, where users can search and share videos straight from within the app.

Shabik 7’s stickers offering have been particularly popular. Cute, tailored and culturally relevant stickers are fun, humourous, and let users communicate more expressively.

Shabik Game center is one feature that can’t be ignored. It can be accessed from within the app and currently features Ocean Age, Spirit Horizon, Bear Hunter, and Invader. Ocean Age Pro, in particular, has proven to be a popular adventure game in Saudi Arabia. The aim is to form tribes with fellow Shabik 7 friends to defend against evil enemy monsters who want to destroy their fishing life.

Where Can I Download Shabik 7 App?

You can download Shabik messenger  at

You can also :

==> download Shabik for Android from Play Store and

==> download Shabik for iOS from App store

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