BBM Apple Watch Integration Lets You Reply Messages From Your Wrist

With the latest BBM release, BBM users can now reply to their BBM messages right from their wrist by leveraging the BBM Apple watch integration. Users can leave their phones on their desk or plugged into charge while keeping up with conversations on their wrists i.e users can read and respond to messages in record time.

Imagine been at a “no phone” meeting. You can discreetly read and reply to messages without offending the people in the same meeting with you. You can say I’m “just checking the time.”

bbm wirst watch integration

With BBM on the Apple Watch, you can:

  • Read notifications for new messages
  • Reply to messages with canned replies (e.g., Ok, Yes, No, etc.), emojis, or voice dictation
  • Send new messages to one of your open chats

BBM also works on Android Wear smartwatches, too – read more here.

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