If you are using Tecno N3 and MTN Steppa Android phone, I am delighted to inform you that you can now use the Blackberry Messenger on the smartphones. This is now possible as a result of the BBM 2.0 For Android which now supports smartphones running Android 2.3 Gingerbread.
This means that Android Gingerbread users can start to enjoy the immediacy, privacy and control of BBM to chat and share with friends, family and people they work with. And for existing BBM users, this release means that you can find even more of the people you want to talk to on BBM.
How To Download BBM For Gingerbread 2.3
You can find BBM for Gingerbread in Google Play or by visiting www.BBM.com from your Android Gingerbread smartphone.
Be sure to check out the Find Friends feature to see who has joined BBM that you may know. The feature is found under ‘Invites’ in the bottom left hand corner of the BBM app.
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